Whats the most people talking nowadays? July, the election month is here and I'm taking this moment to leave I'm pretty sure many of you noticed on how different this year's presidential campaign. For months, news and social media are filled with updates on the issue.

I had the legal voting age over a decade, but never once I even care to vote. For any election day in Indonesia comes to me as no more than an excitement over a public holiday. Shame. But for so many years, I didn't see any hope how the country could move forward the massive corruption that's been around for so long. This round of presidential election is the first one when I really do care to use my vote. Why? Because I finally see hope for things might change, for somehow Indonesia could be a better country for our next generation. 

I see hope in that one person....

Since the start, I have known for sure which presidential candidate got my vote. I wouldn't be a hypocrite to say that I don't wish the others vote for the same number as mine, but I never once and never will force others or throw negative comments towards other team. For me, the presidential vote is the same as everyone's free choice to choose their religion. It's about someone's faith, someone's choice. If one person believe his/her choice is the best, even if it's against ours, who are we to judge? Or even worse, who are we to even force them to follow our choice. 

I wish people would be able to see the bigger picture, that in the end, all we want is someone who will lead Indonesia to be better, so whoever win the election, let it be accepted in peace and trusting him to do the job.

On the other hand, I honestly think if we want our country to change, we also need to change. Start with using our right to vote and respect everyone's choice without any negative action. Please don't let your vote abstain based on the thought of one vote doesn't really matter, cause it's wrong! Even a single vote could make a difference!


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Fly Turkish

Yay or nay?lol....
Due to the limited budget and also tight time to get promo flight,finally I pick to fly to UK with Turkish airlines. This is my first time to use this airline, normally when I go to UK I always use Middle East airline company such as emirates, but yayyy.....this time emirates charges so bloody expensive, so there's only Turkish give me best deal (actually still so expensive,lol)
First impression....hmmm not too bad,airbus A 330-30  cozy seat..( I prefer B777 ER or A 380 ). The flight will take route jakarta Singapore Istanbul and then London heathrow. Quite long way...but yeahhh that's the consequence if you want to worries,I'm quite happy for it
Back to the Turkish airlines,or in aviation industry they called it as TK.hmmm....the cabin was oke,n again I prefer emirates or even SQ,how about the food?the food was oke but I couldn't say it was excellent, quite acceptable for my stomach, but one thing I wanna share to you is about the service,I don't know....maybe I'm quite proud with Asian hospitality, for me Asian hospitality is the best in aviation industry,nothing compares! I didn't see any smiles from cabin crew during the flight,haaaaa.....poor!
Disaster continued.....when I arrived in Istanbul to catch my connecting flight to London, chaotic in the airport, long queue at the security check, but only one gate opened...ohhhh dear.....I have to catch my flight in 30 min, reach the half way till get the security check, then the staff told me that I'm in the wrong lane .damn .....what a bloody stupid..not me! But this bloody airport have no clear sign, where I have to go with connecting flight,confusing is the only word I can describe....
Then I have to face with flat face of Turkish airport staf,asked me so many things about my  trip to UK,which is strange...cos even immigration in Dubai don't do that,even immigration in London not too "kepo"...haaaaa anyway...I passed this stage...
Jump to the plane but disaster still seat for me, my seat was 40e but the seat was end in 39, hell!.... They changed the plane in last minute, from B777 into A330 without giving any confirmation, then me with others unlucky passenger have to wait till we got seat,and flight must be delayed. Then the flight depart one hour later. Then take 4 hour from Istanbul to London, finally....I'm here...I'm back to UK for the 3rd time....yay.....William, Kate,I

Strange,confusing and uncertain...that's my opinion for my flight that time.anyway...I have to think twice to use this airline,but I have to! Cos my return flight would use the same company,,ohhhh poor me

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Yeahhh,once again I'm here. Visiting this place for 3rd time, there's always a reason why I have to visit this place. Anyway... Seneng banget bisa comeback ke sini Lagi untuk waktu yang lumayan lama dari kunjunganku sebelumnya,lucky me!...
Setelah dapet visa yang kali ini lumayan lama untuk nunggunya,cos this time all the visa application must be made in UK embassy in Bangkok, comes? It's just make my application lil bit longer than the previous one. Basically takes 2 weeks workin times,that means 3 weeks...sokay sih but  bit upset cos I have to wait ill bit longer esp I have to manage with my flight. Seems quite difficult to get promo flight esp in his peak season.
Alhasil setelah bolak balik travel agent dengan ga berhenti2 Nya check via internet,dapetlah Harga flight yang paling murah,which is with Turkish airlines. I'm never fly with this airlines, lil bit searching fom the internet to get information about it,they said its quite good airlines based from their achievement to be best airlines in Europe in 2013. Hmmm....will see....can't wait to get that experience with them...
Catch u later....


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What's happening around the world today?
how special is that! I wonder how many weddings are being held and how many babies are being born to this birthday
Mengartikan sebuah tanggal yang sering disebut sebagai tanggal keberuntungan, hoki atau apalah itu namanya, bagiku itu hanya sebuah angka,yang tidak akan bermakna bila kita tidak memberikan arti di dalamnya, so if we just spent it without doing nothing, would be special date?

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Pernahkah kamu merasa sangat sendiri? Dikelilingi oleh banyak teman dan saudara, tapi tetap merasa sangat asing?

What is Loneliness?

Loneliness does not necessarily mean being alone. For instance, you can feel lonely when you are in a class with twenty other students, in the middle of a party, at a sports event with hundreds of screaming spectators, or surrounded by family.

Loneliness is a painful and disturbing awareness that you are not feeling connected to others and important needs are not being met. We are inherently relational beings. So, loneliness may be a signal that an important basic need is not currently being met such as the need to develop a circle of friends or a special relationship. People need people. If you are lonely, you feel the need for warmth, understanding, and long to share your feelings and thoughts with the others

No ....loneliness does not really bother me...i am a great company for myself :)

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long time no blog

Well, once again it has been a very long time since I have come and blogged.  To say life has been crazy and aweful,well yeahhh thats life... glad that i comeback now..Where to begin? When I go for long stretches without posting, it's always difficult to know where to pick up. Do I try to play catch-up and explain what I've been up to, and if so should I write one long rambling post, put it in bullet form or just break it into a few short posts? How about a little of each. I'll ramble a bit on some things, maybe throw in a bullet list or two, then follow up with some short posts. How's that?
Hopefully it won't take me over few weeks to come back here and update what's going on.

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Ipswich, Suffolk

sejuk, bersih dan mahal mungkin itulah kata yang tepat untuk menggambarkan kota Ipswich, dengan jarak sekitar 1,5 jam naik kereta dari kota London, Inggris kita sudah bisa tiba di kota ini. dibandingkan dengan kota London, mungkin ipswich masih kecil, namun posisinya yang strategis di bagian propinsi Suffolk, menjadikan ipswich sebagai sentral dari wilayah Suffolk itu sendiri.
Pemandangan ladang gandum, jagung dan perternakan babi bisa kita lihat disepanjang perjalanan kereta dari London menuju Ipswich, hmmm...ngga seperti bayangan yang aku kira sebelumnya, bahwa Inggris bakalan sehijau ini. hehehe...sampai tibalah di kota Ipswich,hmm bersih, sejuk meskipun musim menunjukkan summer time pada waktu itu, tapi bagiku summer disana ya masih dingin buatku.(hmm ketauan katrok nya ya?). Tapi yang namanya baru pertama kali ke Inggris saya kira pengalaman itu bakalan menjadi hal yang lumrah.

Memang matahari pada waktu itu terlihat bersinar, tapi cuaca sejuk menjadikan sengatan matahari pun jadi ngga kerasa di kulit, makanya orang-orang sana pun menjadikan moment ini untuk jalan-jalan di pusat kota,ya istilahnya mereka Hang out lah. karena cuaca seperti ini jarang mereka dapetin pas winter time malah mungkin mereka pada berjemur, seperti yang aku liat di salah satu park (christcurch park) dimana orang-orang disana berjemur di rerumputan, sungguh pemandangan yang bagi aku hanya aku bisa liat disini, karena selama ini bayangan berjemur selalu di identikkan dengan pantai. ya its such new experience for me to see it. 

Ini mungkin bedanya di negara maju ama negara yang  sedang berkembang, yahhh mereka benar-benar well organized banget. pengalaman yang aku dapat ketika menemukan tourist information corner di salah satu pusat kota Ipswich, disitu aku bisa dapetin beragam informasi tentang kota Ipswich itu sendiri dan juga dengan informasi-informasi yang berhubungan dengan event-event apa yang sedang happening di sana, map location for many interesting places dan juga sampai dengan souvernirs yang berhubungan dengan kota Ipswich. Staffnya pun sangat friendly banget ama tamu dan mereka menjelaskan detail tentang kota Ipswich secara keseluruhan,humm....kayaknya kalo di Semarang staff nya bisa ngga ya ngasih penjelasan detail kayak mereka,hahhaha,..hmmm..patut diconto dehh...

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