
Pernahkah kamu merasa sangat sendiri? Dikelilingi oleh banyak teman dan saudara, tapi tetap merasa sangat asing?

What is Loneliness?

Loneliness does not necessarily mean being alone. For instance, you can feel lonely when you are in a class with twenty other students, in the middle of a party, at a sports event with hundreds of screaming spectators, or surrounded by family.

Loneliness is a painful and disturbing awareness that you are not feeling connected to others and important needs are not being met. We are inherently relational beings. So, loneliness may be a signal that an important basic need is not currently being met such as the need to develop a circle of friends or a special relationship. People need people. If you are lonely, you feel the need for warmth, understanding, and long to share your feelings and thoughts with the others

No ....loneliness does not really bother me...i am a great company for myself :)

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long time no blog

Well, once again it has been a very long time since I have come and blogged.  To say life has been crazy and aweful,well yeahhh thats life...
anyway..im glad that i comeback now..Where to begin? When I go for long stretches without posting, it's always difficult to know where to pick up. Do I try to play catch-up and explain what I've been up to, and if so should I write one long rambling post, put it in bullet form or just break it into a few short posts? How about a little of each. I'll ramble a bit on some things, maybe throw in a bullet list or two, then follow up with some short posts. How's that?
Hopefully it won't take me over few weeks to come back here and update what's going on.

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